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The ‘Sequence for Success Recipe that Never Fails’

The ‘Sequence for Success Recipe that Never Fails’

My book The Mindset of Achievement spells out right thinking that is common for achieving any goal. And while mindset is one thing, there is indeed a specific recipe that outlines how all high achievers accomplish long-term hard to reach goals. And this recipe also...


One of the things I’ve learned from my now 5 decades of one on one Coaching is to look for emerging patterns and what they might mean. And this past year I’ve seen a pattern emerge with people who have lost their way in terms of their fitness lifestyle or attempts at...
The Perfection Myth

The Perfection Myth

“You have to be perfect if you really want to reach your goal!” We humans are a curious bunch, aren’t we? We all have these private thoughts that run through our minds that we could never say out loud. From time to time we do something that even to our own...
Flexible Fitness: Fitness For the Soul/Senses!

Flexible Fitness: Fitness For the Soul/Senses!

JOIN ME, JOIN ME, JOIN ME, below for a different kind of workout. And I also want to tell you why this sort of thing is so important right now. Yes, these are strange times in unchartered territory for all of us and I won’t belabour this point. And we should recognize...
Three Reality Checks for Building a Better Body

Three Reality Checks for Building a Better Body

If your goal is aesthetic muscle gain and physique development—without the crutch of steroids—then there are three general, high-level reality checks you should never take for granted. Progress stalled? Any single one of these three points could be what’s really...