Please Note:
Scott is now retired and working with existing clients only. For any inquiries, or if you're interested in a legacy product, please email Scott.

I'm Scott Abel
...and physique transformation is what I do.
I help my clients sculpt their bodies in a way that's safe and sustainable—but extremely effective.
The "secret" is that there is no secret.
Just expertise.
Instead of chasing fads, I use the same principles now that I've used with my clients for the past 40 years. I design meal plans, workouts and strategies that are customized to the needs of the client. Instead of forcing the client to adapt to the diet or workout, I adapt the diets and workouts to the client. Simple.
I work with real, everyday people. I work with bodybuilders. I work with anyone willing to put in the time and effort to see huge rewards.
These days, my online coaching comes in the form of three main coaching services:
New BONUS to Flexible Fitness: Aaron's Wilderness Workouts
“WTF Wilderness Workouts” When I set out to create Flexible Fitness, I actually did so BEFORE the pandemic and before the lockdowns. Initially, I created them as a sort of bridge between programs that were suddenly interrupted for whatever reason: traveling, changes...
When Diet Goes Too Far! Client Case Study: Suzie Q
“Suzy Q” I have a client we will call Suzie Q, for the purposes of this article. Suzie Q is a great client. She’s very responsible with regular check ins. She always gives me the biofeedback I need and she is always on top of sticking to protocol without excuses....
Physique After 50: Common Sense at 60!
A comedian once rightly said, “The older I get, the younger I used to be.” Truer words have never been spoken. But what does that mean and why is it so apropos? When I first wrote Physique After 50 and offered the programs within it, it was because of my frustration...
How My Recent Major Life-Decision Can Provide YOU with a Road Map to Your Physique Transformation!
I recently made a life-changing decision. I decided to downsize and move into a smaller home. Many variables factored into me making this decision. But early on in the process something else became obvious to me; something that can help all of you. As this process...
What’s Hershey’s Chocolate Got to Do with Your Weight Loss Goals?
I’ll give it to you straight here. This digital age we live in has brought us a life of convenience and entitlement in warp drive. And all of us have been affected, and infected by this reality, myself included. We want what we want when we want it, and we expect...
Client Case Study: Dr. Alan C
A long time ago, I stopped penning Client Case Study articles about clients who live in the gym and compete in physique contests, and work as trainers or whatever. I Coach people who have real lives and live in the real world with real demands on their time. My client...