Exercise Library
Important Note:
There are ~400 exercises here.
Currently, the easiest way to find what you're looking for quickly is with your keyboard, using ctrl-f (on a PC) or cmd-f (on Mac).
For example, if your program says “Reverse Hyperextensions 1 Ball” just press ctrl-f, then type “hyper” or something similar. You'll find what you're looking for and you'll see what the variations are, since a few other exercises will also use “hyper” in them.
Important Note:
There are ~400 exercises here.
The easiest way to find what you're looking for is with your keyboard, using ctrl-f (on a PC) or cmd-f (on Mac).
If you're on mobile, it depends on your browser. Screenshots for Chrome and Safari are below!
For example, if your program says “Reverse Hyperextensions 1 Ball” just press ctrl-f, then type “hyper” or something similar. You'll find what you're looking for and you'll see what the variations are, since a few other exercises will also use “hyper” in them.
Chrome/Android "Find on Page"

Safari/iOS "Find on Page"

Complete List in alphabetical order:
- 2 3 Pike Holds
- 2 Arm DB Snatch from Hang
- 5 Dot Drill
- ABC Tubing Crunches
- ABC Tubing Extensions
- Advanced DB Matrix
- Alt Chopper Sit Ups
- Alt DB Clean and Press Hammer Grip
- Alt DB Clean and Press
- Alt DB Curl and Press
- Alt DB Curl and Rotational Press
- Alt DB Front Lunge with DB Row
- Alt DB Front Raise with Contra Side Step
- Alt DB Overhead Punch
- Alt DB Plank Pull Ins
- Alt DB Side Lateral with Contra Lunge Forward
- Alt DB Side Lateral with Contra Side Step
- Alt DB Side Lateral with Contra Step Forward
- Alt DB T Stab Rotations
- Alt DB Upright Row
- Alt Front Lunge with DB Side Laterals
- Alt Front Lunge with MB Rotation
- Alt Front Reaching Lunge off Step with MB Press
- Alt Front Reaching Lunge with MB Press
- Alt Kick Crunch on Bosu
- Alt Lateral Reaching Lunge off Step with MB Press
- Alt Posterior Reaching Lunge with MB Press
- Alt Reverse Lunge with Alt DB Punch
- Alt Reverse Lunge with Contra DB Punch
- Alt Reverse Lunge with DB Punch
- Alt Supermans on Bosu
- Alt Supermans on SB
- Alt Tubing Archers
- Alternate Forward Lunge with MB Press
- Alternate Kick Crunch on Bosu
- Alternate Lateral Lunge with MB Rotation
- Alternate Lateral Reaching Lunge with MB Press
- Alternate Tubing Punching
- Alternating band curls
- Alternating Dog on Hydrant
- Alternating MB pushup
- Alternating Sit ups on Bosu
- Alternating split squat jumps
- Assymetrical Explosive Push Ups
- BB Clean and Press on SB
- BB Deadlifts
- BB Full Squat
- BB Push Ups on Bosu
- Bench Dips with Feet on SB
- Bench Hops
- Bent Alt DB Lawnmower Starters
- Bent Alternate Tubing Rows for Speed
- Bent DB Laterals
- Bentover Row with Deadlift
- Bicycle Abs
- Bicycle Abs with DB Punch
- Bosu BW Squat with Alt Hip Abduction
- Bulgarian Split Squat
- Burpee snatch with a push up
- Butt Kicks2
- BW Alt Front Reaching Lunge off Step
- BW Alt Front Lunge
- BW Alt Front Reaching Lunge
- BW Alt Lateral Reaching Lunge off Step
- BW Alt Lateral Reaching Lunge
- BW Alt Posterior Reaching Lunge off Step
- BW Alt Posterior Reaching Lunge
- BW Alt Reverse Lunges off Step
- BW Alt Reverse Lunges
- BW Alt Split Squat Jump Hands Overhead
- BW Alt Split Squat Jumps
- BW Crossover Step Ups
- BW Cursty Lunge with Floor Touch
- BW Duck Unders with Wide Lateral Lunge
- BW One Leg Anterior Reach
- BW One Leg Forward Lunge
- BW One Leg Reverse Lunges off Step
- BW One Legged Lateral Squat Foot on Bench
- BW One Legged Squat Foot on Bench
- BW Recline Pull Ups
- BW Speed Squats
- BW Squat Across Bosu
- BW Squat Thrusts
- BW Squat with DB Lateral Raise
- BW Squat with MB Overhead Hold
- BW Walking Lunges
- Cable Compound Row Bending
- Cable High to Low Rotation Chops
- Cable Horizontal Rotation Chops
- Cable Low to High Rotation Chops
- Cable One Arm One Leg Reach and Row
- Cable One Arm Push Press with Rotation
- Cable Pull Ins Alt and Together
- Cable Pull Throughs
- Cable Squat to Row
- Cheerleader Lunge with MB
- Contralateral Knee to Elbow Crunch from Plank
- Crossover MB Push Ups
- DB Alt Front Reaching Lunge from Elevation
- DB Alt Front Reaching Lunge with Press
- DB Alt Lateral Reaching Lunge with Press
- DB Alt Lateral Reaching Lunge with Upright Row
- DB Alt Posterior Reaching Lunge with Push
- DB Alt Posterior Reaching Lunge with Upright Row
- DB Alternating Step Ups
- DB Clean and Press 2 Arm
- DB Clean from Hang 2 Arm Hammer Grip
- DB Cleans from Hang 2 Arm
- DB Cross Body Punching
- DB Front Swings (1 arm and 2 arm demo)
- DB High Pulls from Floor
- DB High Pulls from Hang
- DB Javelin Press
- DB Matrix
- DB One Arm High Pulls from Floor
- DB One Arm Zottman Curls
- DB One Leg Deadlift
- DB Plie Squat
- DB Snatch from Hang 2 Arm
- DB Squat
- DB Squat Curl Press
- DB Squat with 2 Arm Lateral Raise
- DB Squat with Shrug
- DB Upper Body Running
- DB Uppercuts
- DB Walking Lunges
- Deadbug
- Diamond Close MB Push Ups Elbows Wide
- Diamond Close Push Ups from MB and Floor
- Duck Walks with Bar
- Duck Walks
- Explosive whole body pushup
- Flat DB Flyes
- Four Point Diagonal Two Leg Hops
- Front DB Arm Swings
- Frontal Plane Hip Swings
- Good Mornings
- Head to Toe Tubing Crunches
- Heavy MB Slam
- Jump squats
- Lateral and Front BW High Step Ups
- Lateral Bounds Skaters
- Leg Climbs
- Leg Extension from Plank
- Leg Overs with Duck Unders
- Leg Overs
- Long Jumps from Crouch Position
- Low Back Glute Ham Stretches
- Low Pulley Tricep Extensions
- Lower Body Inch Worms (with kick)
- Lying Leg Overs
- Lying Leg Raises with without SB
- Lying Scissor Kicks
- MB Diagonal Chop
- MB Frontal Circles
- MB Frontal Plane Circles
- MB Hot Coals
- MB Lateral Squat Shuffle
- MB One Arm Push Offs
- MB Rotation Chops on SB
- Military Burpees
- Military Goose Steps
- Mountain Climbers from Bosu
- Mountain Climbers
- One Arm DB Extension on Bosu
- One Arm DB Flat Bench Press
- One Arm DB Lateral Throws from Floor
- One Arm DB Push Press
- One Arm DB Rows Heavy Swing
- One Arm DB Shoulder Press
- One Arm DB Snatch from Floor
- One Arm DB Snatch from Hang
- One Arm Light DB Lawnmower Starter
- One Arm Long Bar Push Press for Balance
- One Leg DB Squat
- One Leg Glute Bridge on MB
- One Leg SB Glute Bridge with SB Leg Curl
- One Leg Step Ups Trailing Leg Straight
- One Leg Straight Leg Hamstring Kicks Off SB
- One Legged Glute Bridges
- Overhead DB Cross Body Punching
- Overhead DB Flyes
- Overhead Tubing Standing Bicep Curls
- Pike Ups on SB
- Plank Feet on Bench Hands on SB
- Plank Feet on SB Hands 2 MB
- Plank off MB
- Plank off SB Elbows
- Plank off SB Oscillating
- Plank off SB
- Plank with Lower Body Rotations
- Push Up Depth Drop
- Push Ups Between 2 MB
- Push Ups with Leg Raised and Out to Side
- Quad Blast
- Recline Pull Ups with Variations
- Reverse Alt Lunges with DB Side Laterals
- Reverse Hyperextensions 1 Ball
- Reverse Hyperextensions 1 SB Bench
- Reverse Hyperextensions 2 Balls Bench
- Reverse Hyperextensions 2 SB
- Russian Twists with MB 2 Versions
- Sagittal Plane Hip Swings
- SB Alternating Step Offs
- SB Crunch and Curl
- SB Exchanges
- SB Full Sit Up with MB or DB
- SB Glute Bridge into SB Leg Curl
- SB Hip Bridges
- SB Hip Lifts Thrusts from Floor
- SB Hyperextensions
- SB Leg Curls with High Bridge
- SB Lying Leg Raises 2 SB
- SB One Leg Curl
- SB One Leg Lateral Squat
- SB One Leg Squat
- SB Plyo Impact Push Up Close Hands
- SB Skiers
- SB Straight Leg Lateral Raises
- Scapular Rotations Starring Fergie
- Scarecrow
- Seated 2 Point MB Slam
- Seated 3 Point MB Slams
- Seated Tubing Row on SB with Extra Stretch
- Side Plank DB Snatch
- Side Plank Hold
- Side to Side Leaps Over Bench
- Simulated Judo Throws
- Sit Outs
- Spidermans
- Split Jacks
- Squat Switches
- Squat with MB Push
- Standing Alt DB Shoulder Press
- Standing Contralateral Knee to Elbow Crunch
- Standing MB Knee Ins
- Standing Tubing Chest Press
- T Stab Push Ups with DB
- T Stab Push Ups
- T Stab Rotations
- Towel Hops
- Tubing Bicep Curls for Speed
- Tubing Chest Flyes
- Tubing Chest Press with Alt Step Forward
- Tubing High to Low Chops
- Tubing Horizontal Chops
- Tubing Leaning Chest Press
- Tubing Leaning Pulldowns
- Tubing Low to High Chops
- Tubing One Arm Push Press with Rotation
- Tubing Squat to Row
- Two Leg Lateral Leaps or Hops
- Unloading Knees
- Upper Body Step Ups from Plank
- Vertical Chop with knee tuck.mpg
- Vertical MB Chop
- Walk Around The Clock Lower
- Walk Around The Clock Upper
- Walk Out Walk In from Plank
- Walking Barbell Cheat Curls
- Warm Ups 1 – General Preparation Phase
- Warm Ups 2 – Integrated Warmup and Physical Rehearsal
- Wide Barbell Rotations
- Wide Leg Box or Step Jumps
- Windshield Wipers with SB
- Windshield Wipers
Pulling / Posterior Chain / Rowing / Back Exercises
- Tug-of-War Row
- Recline Rows
- TRX Back Extension
- One Arm One Leg Deadlift Biplexed With Step Up
- Reverse Hyperextension with Stability Ball
- Blade Back Shoulder Reach
- Dumbbell Side Lateral Throw
- One-Arm Dumbbell Snatch
- Single Dumbbell Deadlift
Pushing / Pressing / Chest Exercises
- Single-Arm Pushup with Rollout
- Feet-Elevated Asymmetrical Grip Pushup
- Partner Pushup with Variation
- Suspended Pushups with Progressions
- TRX Pushups with Progressions
- Mountain Man Push Up
- Single Arm Ups
- Ricochet Press Pass
- Chest and Arm Blast
- Simultaneous Alternating Chest Blast
- Squat and Press
- Thruster with Progressions
- Metabolic Chest Circuit
- Lumberjack Squat with Press
- Medicine Ball Hot Coals
Chops / Choppers Exercise Variations
- Vertical Chop with Release
- High-to-Low Chopper Variations
- Low-to-High Chopper
- Horizontal Chopper
- Alternating Horizontal Chopper
TRX Exercises
- TRX Back Extension
- TRX Pushups with Progressions
- TRX Upper Body Sequence
- TRX Single-Leg Squat Jump
- Core Stabilization with TRX
Blade Exercises / Sequences
Arms / Delts / Shoulders / Triceps / Biceps Exercises
- Shoulder Girdle Blast
- Basic Dumbbell Matrix
- Advanced Dumbbell Matrix
- Abel Ultimate Dumbbell Matrix
- TRX Upper Body Sequence
- Blade Shoulder Sequence
- Blade Back Shoulder Reach
- Overhead Blade Shoulder Sequence
- Ab / Delt / Hip Blade Sequence
- Dumbbell Side Lateral Throw
- One-Arm Dumbbell Snatch
- Power Sequence
- One-Arm Barbell Shoulder Thrust
- T Stability Rotation
Legs / Glutes / Hamstrings / Quadriceps / Calves Exercises
- Single Leg Airplane Holds With Rotation
- Quad Blast
- Quad Blast Version 2
- Partner Quad Blast
- Non-Ballistic Quad Blast
- Ultimate Calf Quad Blast
- Box Jumps
- Single-Leg Box Jumps
- TRX Single-Leg Squat Jump
- Bodyweight Leg Toaster
- Partner Leg Raise
- Squat and Press
- Thruster with Progressions
- Prone Tubing Leg Extensions
- Front Reach Lunge
- Lateral Reach Lunge
- Reach Lunge Sequence
- Reverse Hyperextension with Stability Ball
- Single Leg Glute Bridge
- Step Up into Reverse Lunge
- Crossover Step Up
- Lumberjack Squat
Abs / Core Exercises
- Abs/Core Blast
- Dumbbell Lockout with Locomotion
- Asymmetrical Overhead Lockout Hold
- Single-Arm Leg Lockout Hold on Bosu
- Plank Leg Circles
- Duckunders
- Duckunder with Medicine Ball Sweep
- Stability Ball Rock-and-Roll Hip Rotations
- Upper Body Inch Worms
- Alternating Tubing Archers
- Stability Ball Exchange
- L-Sit with an Overhead Hold
- Rotational Slams
- Medicine Ball Slams
- Elbow-to-Knee Sit Up on Bosu
- Supine Stay Hold
- Turkish Get Up
- Walkaround the Clock
- 360 Degree Lambada
- Seated Lockout Ab Crunch
- Overhead Halo
- Core Stabilization with TRX
- Stability Ball Alternating Step Off
- Stability Ball Skiers and Log Rollers
- Alternating Plank Pull In
- T Stability Rotation
Exercise Circuits
- Basic Dumbbell Matrix
- Advanced Dumbbell Matrix
- Abel Ultimate Dumbbell Matrix
- Simultaneous Upper Body Circuit
- Metabolic Glute/Ham Conditioning Circuit
- Leg / Cardio Burpee Blast
- Lower Body Abel Insanity
- Suicides
- Simultaneous Alternating Shoulder Triplex
- Bilateral Deficit Circuit 2
- Chest and Arm Blast
- Bodyweight Leg Toaster
- Reach Lunge Sequence
- TRX Upper Body Sequence
- Blade Shoulder Sequence
- Ab / Delt / Hip Blade Sequence
- Strength Performance Circuit
- Rebounder Conditioning Circuit
- Metabolic Power and Strength Partner Complex
- Metabolic Chest Circuit
- Power Sequence
- The Intimidator
Arms / Triceps / Biceps Exercises
- Low Pulley vs. Overhead Rope Extensions
- Low Pulley Rope Extension
- Lying One-Arm Tricep Extension
- One-Arm Tricep Extension with Rope
- Seated One-Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension
- Tricep Kickback
- Tricep Pushdown
- Tubing Tricep Pressdown
- Pushup Bar Tricep Dips
- Lying Barbell Tricep Extensions
- Lying Cross Chest Tricep Extension
- Cable Horizontal Tricep Extensions
- Simultaneous Arm Blast
- Stability Ball Tricep Pushup
- Preacher Curl Variation
- Cable Concentration Curl
- Wide Angle Cable Curls
- Wide Cable Curl In
- Depth Drop Plyo Pushups Rep Climbs
- TRX Range-of-Motion Tricep Dip
- Mirror Rep Climbs (biceps)
- Alternate Dumbbell Curls
- Single-Arm Dumbbell Cheat Curls
- Zottman Curls and Hammer Curls
Shoulder / Delts Exercises
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press
- Vertical Tubing Shoulder Press
- Front / Lateral Raise
- Alternating Front Raise
- Side Lateral Raise with Foot on Bench
- Seated Side Lateral
- Dumbbell Bent Lateral
- Abel Ultimate Chest/Shoulder Blast
- Supine Rear Delt Flys
- Stability Ball Seated Side Lateral with Cable
- Seated Rear Delt
- Low-to-High Rear Delt
- Overhead Cable Rear Delt
- Long Bar Push Press
- Lying Horizontal Shoulder Press
- Shoulder Triplex Blast
- Delt Twenties
- Standing Horizontal Shoulder Press
- Anterior Delt Raise Extended Set
- Dumbbell Press / Upright Row Combo
- Rack Slides
- Abel Butterfly Delts
- Leaning Front Alternate Cable Raise
Back Exercises
- The Deadlift Part 1
- The Deadlift Part 2
- Top Half Deadlift
- Power Deadlift
- Asymmetrical Grip Chin Up
- Chin Up Behind the Head
- Bentover Barbell Row
- T-Bar Row
- Band Reverse Grip Pulldowns
- Iso-Contraction Pulldowns
- Lat Pulldowns
- Lat Pulldowns Extended Set
- Lat Pullover with Tubing
- Straight-Arm Pullover with Cable
- Tubing Pull Aparts
- Dumbbell Bent Row
- One-Arm Dumbbell Row
- Staggered Stance Bentover Row
- Low Cable Row
- Reverse Grip Cross-plane Row
- High-Angle Seated Row
- Good Mornings
- Single-Leg Good Morning
- Seated Rear Delt
- Single Side Back Attack
- Cross-Grip Wide Angle Pullout
- Lat Pullout With Cable
- Straight-Arm Pulldown into Swimmers
- Reverse Hyperextension with Stability Ball
- Medial Hang Shrug
- Lat Combination Finisher
Chest Exercises
- Abel Ultimate Chest/Shoulder Blast
- Flat Dumbbell Flys
- Straight Arm Floor Flys
- Rollout Flys
- Feet Elevated 2 Stability Ball Pushup
- Seated Cable Fly / Crossover
- Standing Fly with an Overhand Grip
- Cable Crossover
- Dumbbell Pullover
- Depth Drop Plyo Pushups Rep Climbs
- Powerlifting Bench Press
- Bodybuilding-Style Bench Press
- Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
- Decline Press with Cables
- Push Up Floor Press Chest Combo
- Chest Finisher Combination/strong>
Leg Exercises
- Squat (bodybuilding style)
- Squat with Freemotion Machine
- Front Squat
- Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat
- Single Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat
- Leg Press
- Leg Thirties
- Leg Thirties (alternate demo)
- Bosu Pistol Squat
- Plyo and Pump Long Jump Leap with Full Squat
- Tubing Glute / Ham Kick
- Single Leg Calf Raise with Glute Stretch
- Single Leg Calf Raise with Hamstring Stretch
- Calf Blast
- TRX Standing Calf Raise
- Pistol Squat Digression
- Heels Elevated Hip Extension / Glute Bridge
- Legovers (glutes)
- Range-of-Motion Sumo Squat with Dumbbell
- Bulgarian Split Squat with Freemotion
- Dumbbell Rang-of-Motion Sumo Deadlift
- Stiff-Legged Deadlift or Romanian Deadlift
- Leg Extension on the Freemotion Machine
- Prone Tubing Leg Extension
- Reverse Hyperextension with Stability Ball
- Seated Leg Curl with Tubing