by Scott | Jan 26, 2016 | Coaching |
I’ve been delaying writing this one for some time. Not because my perspective is unclear, but because it’s usually just a waste of time to cast aspersions or even legitimate critique to whatever diet is currently popular. People don’t want to hear truth; they want...
by Scott | Jan 5, 2016 | Coaching, Success |
“Do Your Job” has been the NFL’s New England Patriots' work mantra for years now. It came first from Coach Bill Belichick, though it has spread to the whole league and fans as well. It’s now the stuff of t-shirts and hats. “DO YOUR JOB” is a simple...
by Scott | Dec 15, 2015 | Coaching, Physique Transformation |
People often write me with two very mistaken misconceptions about how I work and who I work with. They often list their age and then ask “Is it too late for me?” Others will ask, “I’m not a competitor, can you still Coach me?” To the latter, LISTEN: I haven’t focused...
by Scott | Dec 4, 2015 | Coaching, Success |
Watch the Video: What I call the North American Diet Mentality is an example of a non-self-nurturing mindset; it will always have you judging, and playing the “compare, contrast, and compete game” against others. In this video I discuss three shifts in...
by Scott | Dec 3, 2015 | Coaching |
Watch the Video: Another of the most common kind of questions I get is from clients who have a social engagement of some kind coming up that they're worried about: A dinner out with friends. An office work party. A vacation Simply time off your regular schedule...
by Scott | Nov 24, 2015 | Coaching, Nutrition
Anyone who has been involved in fitness for more than a week has seen plenty of before and after shots. Sometimes these are amazing. Sometimes they are misleading. I’ve remarked in several of my books that many before and afters would be more accurate if they showed...