by Scott | Dec 3, 2015 | Coaching |
Watch the Video: Another of the most common kind of questions I get is from clients who have a social engagement of some kind coming up that they're worried about: A dinner out with friends. An office work party. A vacation Simply time off your regular schedule...
by Scott | Dec 1, 2015 | Success
Watch the Video One question I often get is “how to stop a binge.” Truthfully, stopping a binge right in the middle of it is very difficult. However, there are exercises and strategies you can use to create cognitive disruption and stop the binge-eating...
by Scott | Nov 24, 2015 | Coaching, Nutrition
Anyone who has been involved in fitness for more than a week has seen plenty of before and after shots. Sometimes these are amazing. Sometimes they are misleading. I’ve remarked in several of my books that many before and afters would be more accurate if they showed...
by Scott | Nov 17, 2015 | Coaching
Hopefully you have had time to read Part 1 of my response to the idea, currently in vogue, that “metabolic damage doesn’t exist.” If you watched Dr. Schwarzbein’s excellent lectures you should understand a bit more about metabolic damage and how it plays out. Dr....
by Scott | Nov 10, 2015 | Nutrition |
I recently re-released Metabolic Damage and the Dangers of Dieting, which was originally written about a decade ago. Back then it wasn’t long before I was rolling my eyes in disgust about what a buzzword “metabolic damage” had become in the industry. The term had been...