by Scott | Apr 12, 2016 | Success, Training |
You'‘ve been working hard, training hard, and following your diet. Things seem to be going fine—great, even. But then, you get faced with an unforeseen setback. A major one. Maybe even a life-changing one. They happen. It’s happened to me, that’s for sure, and later...
by Scott | Jan 5, 2016 | Coaching, Success |
“Do Your Job” has been the NFL’s New England Patriots' work mantra for years now. It came first from Coach Bill Belichick, though it has spread to the whole league and fans as well. It’s now the stuff of t-shirts and hats. “DO YOUR JOB” is a simple...
by Scott | Dec 4, 2015 | Coaching, Success |
Watch the Video: What I call the North American Diet Mentality is an example of a non-self-nurturing mindset; it will always have you judging, and playing the “compare, contrast, and compete game” against others. In this video I discuss three shifts in...
by Scott | Dec 1, 2015 | Success
Watch the Video One question I often get is “how to stop a binge.” Truthfully, stopping a binge right in the middle of it is very difficult. However, there are exercises and strategies you can use to create cognitive disruption and stop the binge-eating...
by Scott | Oct 5, 2015 | Success
I’ve been explaining the idea of embracing a “base hit strategy” that I use with many of my clients when their biofeedback warrants it. (Read Part 1, or Part 2 here.) The base-hit strategy is a way to get your mind in command of your workout. I will often assign...
by Scott | Jul 28, 2015 | Success |
We’ve become stimulus addicts. This is often to our own detriment. Everything can feel rushed and sped up–even rushing to take a break, or rushing through your break. People “workout” during their lunch breaks, never really slowing down from the time they wake...