by Scott | Jan 18, 2016 | Uncategorized
Earlier in my career, I was fortunate enough to work closely with the late fitness industry publishing mogul Robert Kennedy. I wrote articles for his magazines, and I ghost wrote articles for his magazines. At one time I had my own column in Muscle Mag International....
by Scott | Jan 5, 2016 | Coaching, Success |
“Do Your Job” has been the NFL’s New England Patriots' work mantra for years now. It came first from Coach Bill Belichick, though it has spread to the whole league and fans as well. It’s now the stuff of t-shirts and hats. “DO YOUR JOB” is a simple...
by Scott | Dec 21, 2015 | Uncategorized |
I tried to make this a video blog, but it was too emotionally-trying to get through it on camera. I am writing this out instead. I dearly hope you will take the time to read it. Every word I am about to tell you is true. I am not going to proof read this or edit it at...
by Scott | Dec 15, 2015 | Coaching, Physique Transformation |
People often write me with two very mistaken misconceptions about how I work and who I work with. They often list their age and then ask “Is it too late for me?” Others will ask, “I’m not a competitor, can you still Coach me?” To the latter, LISTEN: I haven’t focused...
by Scott | Dec 4, 2015 | Coaching, Success |
Watch the Video: What I call the North American Diet Mentality is an example of a non-self-nurturing mindset; it will always have you judging, and playing the “compare, contrast, and compete game” against others. In this video I discuss three shifts in...