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6 – Is the Fitness Industry Evil?

Unrealistic images of bodies. Supplements. Mental and emotional issues. Orthorexia. Is the fitness industry actually doing “good” in the world? Most experts or companies will frame fitness as “empowering” and “healthy,” even when...

5 – Five Fitness “Cornerstone Concepts”

This topic came from Mike. The idea of Cornerstone Concepts came from a similar idea in pedagogy studies about threshold concepts. The idea with these is that once a student understands a given concept like this, it completely changes their understanding of a topic,...

4 – When the Weight Scale Lies

In this episode we discuss how the weight scale can by deceiving, and why relying on it too much can mess with your mind. Scott was reminded of this topic by a coaching client check-in from Melissa S. Melissa lost “only” 10 lbs, but the difference in how...

3 – Dieting and Feeling JOMO (Jealous of Missing Out)

We discuss dieting and the feelings of jealousy and resentment that can arise as a result of (1) your own feelings towards your diet, and (2) pressure from other people. The topic came up as Scott thought of a story about a client who signed up for coaching. This...

2 – “Sticking to Your Diet” and the Holidays

In this episode we covered five emails Scott received from coaching clients about sticking to training and diet during the holiday season. Individual parties and whether you should take a night off. Taking entire weeks off training and diet. Worrying about “losing all...