by Scott Abel | Apr 6, 2021 | Personal, Physique Over 50
A comedian once rightly said, “The older I get, the younger I used to be.” Truer words have never been spoken. But what does that mean and why is it so apropos? When I first wrote Physique After 50 and offered the programs within it, it was because of my frustration...
by Scott | May 23, 2017 | Physique Over 50 |
This is a guest blog by Perry Mykleby: Meat head. Iron head. Muscle head. Those are terms used to describe guys (mostly) who are longer on muscle than brains. In recent years, I’ve learned there’s a lot more head involved in building muscle than I...
by Scott | May 10, 2016 | Physique Over 50, Physique Transformation |
I want to tell you about a club I belong to — I call it “The Platinum Club.” Many of you are charter members already and I will be asking for your input as well as offering you a little of my own right now. But first let me give you some background. I live in...
by Scott | Aug 18, 2015 | Physique Over 50 |
Every year I get clients and non-clients asking me my thoughts on testosterone replacement therapy for men. Several people also ask if I will write an article on it someday. Well, this is that article. Hormone replacement therapy for men and women has come a long way...