6-Day Hybrid Training
Please Note:
Scott is now retired and working with existing clients only. For any inquiries, or if you're interested in a legacy product, please email Scott.
Imagine you had the chance to train side by side with an actual bodybuilder, or a professional fitness model, or — even better — with their coach.
These 6-day hybrid videos were designed to give you exactly that experience.
6-Day Hybrid Training can take your physique and your training to the next level.
Volume Without Overtraining
Hints and secrets of the pros
What You Will Get:
The written program is specially designed for hypertrophy, growth and functional conditioning. Simply following the exercises in the written program by itself would be hugely beneficial for serious trainees.
However, the 6-day hybrid program also includes seven videos (six for each day of the program, plus an intro), so you can see for yourself how to get the most out of the program.
You'll get tips, secrets, and insight from Scott Abel, who’s been training pro bodybuilders, figure competitors, and fitness models for decades.
In the videos, Scott takes you through the whole program by actually going through it himself.
- Learn exactly how to get the most out of each and every rep, for each and every exercise.
- You'll learn the subtle exercise tweaks here and there that can maximize muscle fatigue and hypertrophy (a hand position here, a slightly altered grip there…)
- You will learn how to get the most out of supersets, when to use a strip set, and get more insights about workout program design.
You can start the program the same day you download your written program and videos
However, many of Scott's clients say that they watch and re-watch his videos again and again, pen and paper in hand, because the videos are so jam-packed with insight and experience that you simply cannot get anywhere else.
In addition to the videos and the written program, you will also get access to an extensive, 7-page article on hybrid training. This includes some of the history of its development, the methodology behind it, and it will give you a better idea of how to apply these advanced physique transformation principles.
In short, you get everything you need to learn true hybrid bodybuilding training.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is the 6-day hybrid program for me?
That depends.
This program is designed for those who are after physique enhancement.
If you're concerned purely about increasing your 1-rep-max, then no, this program is not for you. If you want growth and hypertrophy, then absolutely you should buy 6-day hybrid.
The kind of person who stands to benefit most is someone who has felt their current workout program is just a little bit “stale,” or someone who has never had the benefit of experiencing a truly expert, bodybuilding-based approach to training.
I'm already on a 6-day bodybuilding program -- how is the 6-day hybrid different?
The 6-day Hybrid program contains years of research and real-world testing by Scott. This is a proven program that Scott has used on his bodybuilding and fitness model clients for years.
The “Hybrid” in the name means that the program combines very traditional, “golden-era” style bodybuilding movements with metabolic, functional training. It combines the best of bodybuilding with the best of metabolic enhancement training (or MET).
If you've been on a 6-day 100% “traditional” bodybuilding split, this hybrid program might just give you exactly the kind of tweak you need to get to the next level. You'll get improved conditioning, you'll achieve greater intensity and muscle fatigue, and you'll enhance your physique.
What's included in the 6-day hybrid program?
Your download includes seven video files plus the written program. You get everything you need to start training Hybrid-style today.
Each video takes you through one day of the six day program. Scott goes through each exercise, each superset, each subtle tweak that he himself has used in his own training and in the training of his clients for the past 30+ years.
How long do I have access to the videos?
When you buy the program, you'll immediately get access to download the COMPLETE program, and once you've downloaded the files, the program and the videos are yours… forever.
Once they're on your computer, there is no “access” or “login” needed. You can burn them to DVD, put them on an external hard drive, or on an iPad — whatever is convenient. No passwords, no logins, no need to have an internet connection to “stream” them. They belong to you. Simple.
Are the videos high-def?
No, these ones aren't. These were recorded for DVD quality, which is not the same as 1080p.
If that's a deal-breaker for you, don't buy these videos.
Who Should Buy This Program:
This program is designed for the trainee seeking total physique development.
What you get is a high intensity bodybuilding program. (In fact, the 6-day hybrid program is meant to be followed ONLY for 8-12 weeks at a time — Scott is quite specific about this in his rules.)
That means this product is only for those seeking a cutting edge training regimen to enhance their physique and get back their metabolism.
In these videos, you'll join Scott as he trains through MET-Hybrid way.
“MET” training stands for Metabolic Enhancement Training.
This hybrid approach unites the benefits of M.E.T. training with the tried and tested approaches of golden-age bodybuilders.
By itself, MET training is designed to jolt the metabolism.
With this hybrid approach you'll enjoy the metabolic benefits of MET training and the hypertrophy benefits of traditional bodybuilder volume training.
Not only do these videos have Scott doing the actual program, he also gives instruction and seminar-type information between sets and after the workout. This is the kind of advice and information you could only otherwise get by training with an experienced bodybuilding coach or fitness model coach.
If you want to take your physique or training to the next level, this new hybrid training protocol is for you.
But again: this training is only for those serious about transforming and revolutionizing their training, and those who want to learn the real intensity necessary to do so. There is no avoiding high intensity in hybrid training. You won't be chatting between sets or taking your time.
A Case Study:
I just completed my first “six day program” prescribed by Scott recently. It lasted 14 weeks. This program had many items that Scott has introduced me to over the course of the various previous programs he’s prescribed me, yet this one definitely upped the volume. However, a major difference with this particular program, which happens to be the well-known “6-Day Hybrid Training” program that’s on his site, was that my body took very, very well to it right off the bat. Whenever in the past on my own I had upped my training volume my body would quickly burn out, my entire body felt super sore, and saw ZERO progress in ANY form (muscular development, strength, conditioning, or otherwise). Yet, on Scott’s “6 Day Hybrid Training”, along with the various tweaks to it that he personalized for me and my needs, I really never felt those negative forms of biofeedback.
If you would have told me beforehand that I’d be doing the amount of sets and reps per week per body part that this six-day program allowed my body to handle I’d have called you “sick” and would have instantly fell into the “That type of volume is ludicrous! That’s just a quick route to Overtraining-ville” myth. However, the way this six-day program is structured it works hand in hand with how the body works… properly upping the work capacity of the body in a way that you are “coaxing your body” versus trying to “force your body” as Scott preaches.
I also commented to Coach Abel halfway into the program that I’d have never thought that I’d love so much performing certain types of bodyweight and/or balancing exercises… and clearly being able to feel exactly how much it was helping to bring in tons of extra muscle fibers that I would have never tapped into when only doing typical movements. In addition, the “speed movements” worked certain body parts in ways I hadn’t felt before or in a very long time.
Another biggie that’s super important in muscular development is “strength density” (which Coach Abel explains excellently in his ebook Your Six Day Program). Well, even with all of the volume and varying forms of movements (free weights, machines, cables, bodyweight, speed, power, etc.) my “strength density” throughout the entire workout, from start to finish, in all body parts remained very high within this program. I’m “chomping at the bit” to watch how it impacts in a major positive way the next program I’m about to attack.
Just recently Coach saw that I’m able to handle another six-day program right away and I’m sooooo looking forward to it!