Please Note:
Scott is now retired and working with existing clients only. For any inquiries, or if you're interested in a legacy product, please email Scott.

Being a long term colleague of Scott’s, Dr. Ken Kinakin knows the best way to elicit cutting edge information from Scott is to just wind him up and let him go. In this audio prodution on diet and supplements, Dr. Ken gives Scott a category and lets him talk.
The result is some of the most fascinating and progressive diet knowledge you’ll ever hear.
Once again, Scott shows how traditional assumptions regarding diet are incorrect. For some people, following such traditions could be even metabolically harmful.
Scott takes on established “givens” of modern diet practices and shows them to be false and/or incomplete.
Learn new ways to look at calories and new ways of looking at the weight scale.
Discover how to break the bonds of traditionalism in order to forge a new understanding and a greater knowledge of diet and diet principles. This is an empowering and thought-provoking treatise that will transform the way you think about diet, diet strategy, specific food stuffs, and — even more controversially — the way you think about supplements.
Scott has been involved in the Fitness/Bodybuilding Industry for more than three decades and has had access and been privy to behind the scenes secrets of diet information, and ad manipulation that consumers have whole-heartedly bought into. Learn how you may have been manipulated into a certain pattern of thinking.
Once again, Scott challenges the traditional thought patterns and re-orients you to proper thinking regarding what is considered “current diet knowledge.”
Scott takes you beyond that to the real deal of what diet knowledge is, and what it isn’t.
Scott’s ideas may be controversial, but they are thought provoking and make good sense.
One expert said, “Scott Abel may indeed be the industry’s first living, breathing PhD in bodybuilding.”
Available in easily downloadable MP3 format, this production will give you an enhanced, new and amazing way to look at diet, and diet related issues.
Once you have been exposed to Scott’s ideas, you will be astounded at how many people fall in to the same thinking traps that Scott brings to the forefront.
If you are constantly confused by diet information and contradictions, you owe it to yourself to listen to what Scott has to say.
You’ll get an ultimate understanding of the issues involved and develop a better, more informed process for thinking about these important nutrition concepts.
Scott makes no apologies for his sometimes controversial positions. Scott’s position is an exciting one that will get you thinking about what you think you know and currently understand about this confusing topic.
Learn the elegance of simplicity.