
So… what does “Food Freedom” look like?
This is a letter I recently received from a client.
She was actually ending her one-on-one coaching with me (you'll see why in a moment), but I thought her letter PERFECTLY encapsulated what “Food Freedom” is all about, so I asked her if I could use it for this course.
Here it is:
Dear Scott,
I’ve decided to stop my one on one Coaching. You have helped me more than you will ever know and I can’t thank you enough.
Because of your Coaching over these last few years, I’m now able to do the following things:
– I can eat carbs and not worry about it
– I can eat carbs and fats in the same meal and not worry about it
– I have reduced my cardio down to just one session per week and not worry about it
– I have reduced my overall exercise and no longer worry about it
– I can happily go out to a restaurant and not worry about it
– I can now go away on a holiday and not worry about it
– I have not weighed myself on the scales since May 2013
– I no longer subscribe to women’s fitness magazines
– I no longer follow so-called women’s fitness models on social media
– I no longer buy into any of the fitness trends or other fads
– I can take 3 days a week off exercise and not feel guilty about it
– I no longer look at myself everyday and hate the person I see (I still have the odd fat day, but all in all, I’m comfortable with myself 80% of the time)
– I quit working / teaching fitness classes at the gym, something I thought I would never be able to do.
– I’m no longer interested it competing again, my last comp was 2013.
I just wish that I could turn the clock back so that I didn't have 20 years of over exercise, starving diets, binge eating, vomiting, the self-hate and avoiding every social function possible out of fear of what to eat and how I looked.
I no longer feel like I need to check in every week, because you have helped me get to a point where I’m feeling good and whenever I’m not feeling good, it all comes back to the emotional fitness, monkey mind and I feel like you have given me all the tools to get myself back on track.
I feel like you have got me to a great place and I’m now comfortable to keep heading down this same path.
I have most of your books and will continue to follow you on social media as your posts are priceless.
Thanks for all your support and I appreciate everything you have done for me.

Several years ago I released an in-depth 20-week online course for dealing with food issues that was focused much more on women. It cost a thousand dollars to join.
There were 20 weekly webinars, homework assignments and exercises, and much more.
I treated it almost like I would a university course taking place over four months.
This is because dealing with food issues in a way that's realistic is NOT something you can just do by watching a couple 5-minute online videos. It takes a bit of time, and you need to commit. You have to do some digging and “emotional surgery.”
Still, the feedback I got on the course was pretty consistent: it was just plain too overwhelming. There was too much content to get through, it was hard to keep up, and so on.
That original course was also focused exclusively on women, but in the years since, I've found that more and more men are also starting to encounter these same problems with food and their relationship with food.
So for years I wanted to re-do the course from the ground up.
I wanted something practical and easy, and I wanted something that I could even give to my one-on-one coaching clients, or even to potential clients.
…this is a long way of saying that my new course, Food Freedom, was several years in the making.
Food Freedom is a much more practical, easy-to-follow solution for both men and women to tackle their food issues head-on.
(It's also doesn't cost a thousand dollars any more.)
AND… I've actually included the entirety of the original Empowered Woman course for those who want to really “dig in” (but even then I strongly recommend you do just the “Food Freedom” course before you start in on the EWE archive).
To give you some sense of what you will get inside the course, the new course is broken down into the following course Modules:
Course Breakdown
Module Zero
Overview and Taking Action

Module Zero.
Module Zero provides an overview and some quick wins. It's meant to give you a taste of the full course, while also laying some groundwork for the modules that follow.
(If you haven't completed this module already, this one is actually available as a 100% free version.)
Module One
Self-Knowledge & Digging In

Module One.
Module One is where you start to really dig in and “un-earth” your own particular challenges. One of the key themes of this course is the idea that although there are a LOT of commonalities between people, there is also a degree to which everyone's own challenges are unique.
Figuring out exactly what your own challenges are, and figuring out your “whys” will be critical to the latter modules.
Module Two
Addressing the entire “Triangle of Awareness”

2a. Emotional Realm
The second section of the course is split into 3 modules, all comprising the “Triangle of Awareness.”
You'll begin with the Emotional Realm, because so many food issues are about filling some kind of emotional void or gap. Some people use food to numb their emotions. Some people use food to “feel good” or “feel comfort.”
This module builds on the emotional digging you've already done by helping you proactively deal with some of these emotion-based issues, and giving you a better sense of empowered thinking.

2b. Mental Realm
After the emotional realm, we move to the Mental Realm. This module is all about cognitive restructuring, or, in simpler terms: getting rid of stinkin' thinkin' that might be holding you back.
This module is also a “lead in” to the physical realm, since this module is about understanding our own brain, our cravings, and how to think about these things in a way that's healthy and constructive.
This module is about re-organizing and re-thinking how we think about things like cravings, hunger, body image, and more.

2c. Physical Realm
The physical realm is the last realm we look at — and for good reason. Too many people focus on the physical side while ignoring the other two.
So in this course, yes, we cover how to take care of your physical self in a healthy way, but not until after we've done the work necessary in the emotional and mental realms.
If you've ever used diets and dieting in a healthy way, then after you complete the other modules and you finally dig into this one, a bunch of things will start to “click” about what “health” and “fitness” were, originally, supposed to be all about!
Module Three
Liftoff! and the Longterm

Module Three
The final module is all about setting you up for longterm success.
The fact is that food issues don't magically disappear. You'll have a craving now and again. You might even have negative thoughts. (That's how real life works!)
But with that in mind, you should be empowered and equipped so that you can deal with these challenges in a way that's healthy and constructive.
This final module, then, is all about setting you up for longterm FOOD FREEDOM, and what that looks and feels like.
How the Course Works
This course uses a very “active” or “hands-on” approach. I have found that this is really the only way to truly address food and emotional eating issues.
This means that the course is designed first and foremost around exercises.
You'll be doing things like journalling, writing, doing a few “mirror” exercises, and more.
This course is about “active” learning and engagement.
There are some videos that will be helpful to just “sit back” and watch.
There will also be things you can just “sit back” and read. For example, each module comes with relevant questions and answers, and there are both videos and letters from some of my actual coaching clients.
I think this last part is incredibly important, both so you can truly know and appreciate that you're not alone (and that these issues really are more and more common), but also so you can see how other people just like you have learned to deal with them.
This is why I'm still including a lot of the content from the original 20-week course as a “Complete Archive” so that it's always there for you. It's one thing to give you exercises that help you learn about yourself and your own issues…
…but it's another thing entirely to watch a personal interview with one of my former clients — to watch someone who was right where you are now, so you can see how they overcame their issues, and what real and true Food Freedom looks like in the real world.
In short…
This course was designed with your success in mind.

Get Started Now:
Please Note:
Scott is now retired and working with existing clients only. For any inquiries, or if you're interested in a legacy product, please email Scott.
Hear from Scott's own coaching clients:
Asia H
“I took Scott’s Empowered Woman Course, which was absolutely life changing. It was eye opening. It helped me navigate my thoughts and my mind around the fitness industry. It really made me notice my own obsessions about thinness, and fitness and diets. It helped me work through so much of that.”
Alba K
“Things happen but I can cope without turning to food. I can look at the problem, and I can face the problem, and I can deal with it without turning to food, which doesn’t solve the problem but makes the problem worse.”
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